Ciências Ambientais
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Submissões Recentes
Item Efeito do uso de biofertilizantes sobre parâmetros de produção e a modelagem matemática no preparo de canteiros no cultivo de rabanetes (RaphanussativusL.) = the effect of using biofertilizers over production parameters and mathematical modeling in garden preparation for radish cultivation (RaphanussativusL.)(Universidade Brasil, 2016) Martins, Wlamir do Nascimento; Andreani Junior, RobertoItem SYSCLIMATE – Sistema de monitoramento climático = SYSCLIMATE - Climate monitoring system(Universidade Brasil, 2019) Oliveira, André Marques de; Vanzela, Luiz SergioItem Comunicação municipal em Ribeirão Preto-SP: a “conversa” entre o poder público e a população para um ambiente sustentável = municipal communication in Ribeirão Preto, SP: the "conversation" between the public power and the population for a sustainable environment(Universidade Brasil, 2019) Gonçalves, Amanda Martins Ferreira; Lima, Leonice Domingos dos Santos CintraItem Viabilidade do investimento empresarial em projetos para o meio ambiente abordando a contabilidade ambiental = viability of business investment in projects for the environment addressing environmental accounting(Universidade Brasil, 2019) Dias, Altino da Silva; Andreani Júnior, RobertoItem A influência da gestão de pessoas nas organizações frente aos impactos ambientais e a sustentabilidade = the influence of management of people in organizations to environmental impacts and sustainability(Universidade Brasil, 2019) Silva, Alessandre da; Castro, Cristina Veloso deItem Praças centrais de Caraguatatuba/SP: aspectos histórico-cultural, paisagísticos, arquitetônicos e de seus usuários = squares of central Caraguatatuba/SP: historical and cultural aspects, landscape, architectural and its users(Universidade Camilo Castelo Branco, 2015) Alcântara, Marli Aparecida dos Reis de; Vazquez, Gisele HerbstItem Representações sociais: Meio ambiente, educação ambiental e geografia = social representations: enviromental education and geography(Universidade Brasil, 2019) Silva, Abner Ulisses Bueno da; Campato Jr, João AdalbertoItem Pães da terra e quintais sem cercas: relações entre identidade caiçara e o desenvolvimento da cidade = breads from earth and backyards without fences: relations between caiçara identity and city development(Universidade Camilo Castelo Branco, 2015) Grinet, Maria Assunção de Oliveira Macedo; Lima, Leonice Domingos dos Santos CintraItem Uso de infusões de plantas medicinais no controle de Candida albicans em escovas dentais = the use of medicinal plant infusions in the control of Candida albicans in toothbrushes(Universidade Brasil, 2018) Jesus, Tereza Cota de; Frias, Danila Fernanda RodriguesItem Atuação da enfermagem na prevenção e controle de infecção relacionada à assistência à saúde = actuation of nursing in the prevention and control of infection related to health care(Universidade Brasil, 2018) Silva, Rosimeire da; Kozusny-Andreani, Dora InésItem Gestão integrada de resíduos sólidos em Porto Nacional/TO: proposta para intervenção pública com vistas a efetividade do plano municipal = integrated management (waste) in solid waste in Porto Nacional / TO: proposal for public intervention with the purpose (a view) to the effectiveness of the municipal plan(Universidade Brasil, 2018) Patrício, Paulo César de Sousa; Lima, Leonice Domingos dos Santos CintraItem A responsabilidade civil ambiental pelos resíduos sólidos oriundos dos serviços de saúde = environmental civil liability for the solid waste from health service(Universidade Brasil, 2018) Moura, Paula Thays Schaiblich; Frias, Danila Fernanda RodriguesItem Perfil epidemiológico da tuberculose em Fernandópolis = epidemiological profile of tuberculosis in Fernandópolis(Universidade Brasil, 2018) Pedreiro, Paula Bercelli Zanoveli; Kozusny-Andreani, Dora InêsItem Certificações de qualidade em usinas de cana-de-açúcar = quality certifications in sugar cane mills(Universidade Brasil, 2018) Ferracini, Maria José Floriano; Vazquez, Gisele HerbstItem A realidade socioambiental e a violência contra crianças e adolescentes atendidos no hospital de clínicas da universidade federal de Uberlândia/MG: Proposta no âmbito da proteção integral = socio-environmental reality and violence against children and adolescents attended at the clinics hospital of the university federal of Uberlândia / MG: Proposal in the field of integral protection(Universidade Brasil, 2018) Araújo, Maria Aparecida deItem O sistema de gestão ambiental como estratégia da educação ambiental no Senac São José dos Campos/SP = the environmental management system as a strategy for environmental education In Senac São José dos Campos / SP(Universidade Brasil, 2018) Aguiar, Marcos Camargo de; Aguiar, Denise Regina da CostaItem Eficácia de plantas medicinais no controle in vitro de Candida albicans = medicinal plants in effective control in vitro Candida albicans(Universidade Camilo Castelo Branco, 2015) Gonçalves, Jussara Britto Batista; Kozusny-Andreani, Dora Inés; Andreani Junior, RobertoItem Efeito da temperatura e do biofertilizante na compostagem de resíduos de poda urbana = effect of temperature and the biofertilizer in the composting of residues from urban pruning(Universidade Camilo Castelo Branco, 2015) Pinto, Francisco Antonio; kozusny-Andreani, Dora InêsItem Registro e preservação cultural: fazeres e saberes da comunidade remanescente do Quilombo da Caçandoca – Litoral Norte/SP = Registration and cultural preservation: activities and knowledge the outstanding community Quilombo Caçandoca - North Coast / SP(Universidade Camilo Castelo Branco, 2015) Minas, Egléia Adalgizo; Lima, Leonice Domingos dos Santos CintraItem Perfil ecoepidemiológico da febre amarela no estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil, 2011 a 2020(Universidade Brasil, 2021) Santos, Solange Maria dos; Frias, Danila Fernanda RodriguesYellow fever (YF) is an infectious viral disease caused by an arbovirus of Flavivirus genus, which is transmitted by vectors of the genera Aedes, Haemagogus and Sabethes. In 2017/2018, Brazil had the largest epidemics of recent decades. Thus, the establishment of epidemiological surveillance is essential for its control and prevention. The objective of this study was to investigate the eco-epidemiology of YF in the state of Minas Gerais, in the period from 2011 to 2020, to obtain information to help organize actions aimed at the control and prevention of this infection. A cross-sectional, descriptive, retrospective and qualitative-quantitative study was undertaken with secondary data collected from 2011 to 2020 from the TABNET/DATASUS website and the Minas Gerais State Health Department. The collected information corresponded to: number of notifications, region of the State Health Department of residence, zone of residence, age group, education, race, gender, autochthony, state where the contagion occurred, final classification of the case, confirmation criteria and final progression of the case. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics. In total, 3,472 cases of YF were reported, with 90.5% of notifications occurring in the years 2017 and 2018. Prevalence rate was 5.28/100,000 inhabitant and lethality rate was 31.5%. Most individuals were economically active and male. The cases were concentrated in the regions of Belo Horizonte, Coronel Fabriciano, Teófilo Otoni, Juiz de Fora, Barbacena, Itabira, Manhuaçu and Governador Valadares. In terms of vaccination coverage, none of the regions reached 100%, but over 90% reached the regions of Uberlândia, Sete Lagoas, Passos, Ituiutaba and Divinópolis. The prevalence of YF in the state was high, especially in 2017 and 2018, demonstrating high association with environmental disasters and ineffectiveness of public policies to eradicate it. Therefore, studies conducted with a focus on the eco-epidemiology of the disease are essential for the development of actions aimed at its control and prevention.