Imagens híbridas como instrumento de educação ambiental
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Universidade Brasil
Environmental Education is a theme of outstanding relevance in school curricula, as it
proposes reflection and positive intervention in the sense of equating or mitigating the
environmental problem. It is a mediating action, consisting of educational programs in
order to raise awareness and guarantee the quality of natural resources for future
generations. Taking such information as a premise, it is possible to affirm that the
photographic image constitutes an excellent pedagogical instrument with the aid of
which the teaching of environmental education could develop. This is because the
image is a sign of universal communication, analogical, that captures the attention of
students, who are increasingly influenced by the iconic signs, which maintain a relation
of resemblance to reality. This research is located in the area of investigation of the
photographic image as a way of showing that students - from different levels, but
especially university students - can absorb more effectively and critically contents
related to the environment. Particularly, the images that we will use to carry out the
research are the hybrid images. This is the synergy generated between the preproduction, production and post-production of the digital photographic images that are
produced, processed and edited to more intensely reach their communication purpose,
generating new image contents and altering the perspective of visual signs.
Comunicação ambiental, Fotografia, Signos visuais