Produção Animal


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    Desenvolvimento de aplicativo para o controle de brucelose associado ao manejo integrado da propriedade
    (Universidade Brasil, 2023) Carreta, Daniela Silva de Oliveira; Belo, Marco Antônio de Andrade; Pereira, Luiz Arthur Malta
    Brucellosis is a chronic infectious disease with worldwide distribution, which causes great economic losses, in addition to serious health problems, mainly because it is a zoonosis. Within the National Program for the Control and Eradication of Brucellosis and Tuberculosis (PNCEBT), the vaccination of female cattle and buffaloes between three and eight months of age is one of the items necessary for its control and eradication. Given the difficulties faced by some producers in establishing the correct vaccination period for animals, this work aims to automate birth control, registration of date of coverage, types of medicines and vaccines used, control of weight gain, in addition to the implementation of other information of the ideal period for vaccination, through the creation of an easy-to-use application to be used by rural producers, who will have control of this data, based on the information entered by the user, assisting in the health management of the herd. The application was developed in the languages HTML, PHP, Java Script, CSS and MySQL database and can be accessed via the link: It has a computer program registration certificate, issued by the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), registered under number BR512023001618-7, with title: VacB19-Vaccination Control System. The development of the application (software) works on several platforms, being easily accessed by cell phone or computer, to assist in the control of brucellosis vaccination, as well as in the integrated health management of the property.
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    Produção de mel na região amazônica: viabilidade da produção em melgueiras de sete, oito, nove e dez quadros
    (Universidade Brasil, 2023) Silva, Welton Santos; Melo, Wanderley José de; Melo, Gabriel Maurício Peruca de; Rodrigues
    The present work aimed to analyze the production of honey with variation of Langstroth type supers, using seven, eight, nine and ten frames, as well as the economic viability. The bee production has stood out in the Amazon region, where the culture has become a great attraction for family farming in the southern region of Rondônia state. Discussions about the importance of adapting beekeeping techniques to local production have become the subject of debates and studies, and from the quest to improve production in terms of quality and profitability. The proposal for this experiment is to adapt Langstroth hives to the local reality emerged. The project was developed in the Farm located on Highway 435, km 24, number 35, Agrovillage Renascer, rural area of Vilhena, State of Rondônia, Basil. The experiment was implanted in the apiaries located in the place. At the end of the research, it was possible to conclude that the model that most resembles the ten-frame beehive is the eight-frame hive, which is a possible and profitable replacement, if carried out according to the measurements of the standard developed by Lorenzo Lorraine Langstroth in 1851. However, there is a need for adjustments in the measurements of the frames, as this will reduce the cost of the material to be used and the total weight of the supers, which facilitates transport and the necessary care in handling.
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    Impacto da Brucelose na bovinocultura do Estado de Rondônia, Brasil
    (Universidade Brasil, 2023) D'Amorim, Flávia Akemi; Belo, Marco Antonio de Andrade
    Among the diseases relevant to public health, brucellosis stands out for being a zoonosis with worldwide distribution, causing economic losses, in addition to being an infectious disease with a chronic evolution. Lesions suggestive of zoonotic diseases identified in cattle carcasses during the slaughter process make it possible to carry out distribution epidemiological studies of infected animals, in addition to reducing the probability of human exposure and the possible risks of consuming contaminated meat. Thus, a survey was carried out of suggestive lesions detection for brucellosis during the post-mortem examination, based on the macroscopic examination of the entire carcass and viscera, during the sanitary inspection, which could characterize the disease existence. During the study period (2012 to 2022), 24,721,134 cattle were slaughtered, and 402 presented macroscopic lesions suggestive of brucellosis on the carcasses. On the other hand, in 1,323,839 animals sampled, 98 were positive through laboratory examination carried out by private veterinarians and the Service of Federal Inspection. These results generated an economic loss of approximately U$ 250,155.44. However, the occurrence of positive animals and properties with infected animals decreased during the period from 2003 to 2022, associated with the increase in the number of bovine females vaccinated against brucellosis. The study of bovine brucellosis occurrence in the State of Rondônia revealed the effectiveness of preventive health education actions and corrective actions determined by Agrosilvopastoril Defense Agency of the State of Rondônia - IDARON in the period from 2003 to 2022. Therefore, the number of positive animals and properties with infected animals significantly decreased, due to the increased level of awareness among producers and the number of vaccines administered to female cattle. It also complies with One Health protocols and policies, as in addition to improving the health of the cattle herd, these actions are protective of human beings who work directly with these animals, as well as consumers of animal products from cattle farming. This fact resulted in a decrease in the occurrence of human brucellosis in the state of Rondônia between 2015 and 2022.
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    Identificação e caracterização fenotípica dos grupos genéticos da raça Girolando nos rebanhos leiteiros do estado de Roraima
    (Universidade Brasil, 2017) Salgado, Léo Fernando de Faria; Frias, Danila Fernanda Rodrigues
    The dairy cattle in the State of Roraima is supported by crossbred Holstein x Gir cattle, more adapted to the tropical climate and traditional production systems. However, there is a need to adapt the genetic groups to the production systems and to raise awareness about the importance of the use of phenotypic visual evaluations as a tool to assist in the selection of animals. The objectives of the research were to identify the frequency and characterize the phenotype of the genetic groups ¼ Hol + ¾ Gir, ⅜ Hol + ⅝ Gir, ½ Hol + ½ Gir, ⅝ Hol + ⅜ Gir, ¾ Hol + ¼ Gir and ⅞ Hol + ⅛ Gir of the Girolando breed in the herds of the State of Roraima. The data were obtained from visual morphological evaluations to identify the genetic groups and to characterize the phenotype of the animals from August 2016 to February 2017. The following distribution of the frequency of genetic groups: 210 (21.26%) of the group ¼ Hol + ¾ Gir; 145 (14.68%) of the group ⅜ Hol + ⅝ Gir; 249 (25.20%) of the ½ Hol + ½ Gir; 166 (16.80%) of the group ⅝ Hol ⅜ + Gir; 126 (12.75%) of the ¾ Hol + ¼ Gir and 92 (9.3%) of the group ⅞ Hol + ⅛ Gir. In the phenotypic evaluations there were statistically significant differences (p <0.05) in the genetic group ¾ Hol + ¼ Gir for General Appearance (GA), in the genetic groups ⅝ Hol + ⅜ Gir and ⅞ Hol + ⅛ Gir for Body Capacity (CC), in the ½ Hol + ½ Gir group for Dairy Characteristics (CL) and in the groups ¾ Hol + ¼ Gir and ⅞ Hol + ⅛ Gir for Reproductive and Apparatus e aprumos (AR/A). The genetic group ½ Hol + ½ Gir presented superior characteristics in the Body Capacity (CC), the Milk Characteristics (CL) and the Reproductive and Apparatus e aprumos (AR/A), being better classified as to the type of Girolando breed demonstrating better characterization and uniformity by selective process.
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    Quantificação e perdas econômicas por abscessos vacinais em bovinos oriundos da região norte do Brasil
    (Universidade Brasil, 2018) Silva, Danilo Mendes Hortêncio da; Dian, Paulo Henrique Moura
    Inflammatory reactions causing abscesses are due to improper use of vaccines and / or medications. Vaccine abscesses bring concerns to breeders and entrepreneurs in the meat and meat industry because of the huge economic losses caused by the rejections of the parties involved in the vaccine reaction. The objective of this study was to measure carcass losses caused by vaccine abscesses. The study was carried out between July and December 2016, in a refrigerator in the municipality of Iranduba / AM. During the study, 20,909 bovine carcasses were collected from different states of northern Brazil, including the states of Amazonas, Roraima and Pará. In order to evaluate the losses caused by vaccine lesions in bovine carcasses, the animals were collected and weighed . A total of 20,399 cattle presented vaccine abscesses, 15,678 males and 4,721 females, presenting a general percentage of 97.56% of carcasses with vaccine lesions, which generated a discard of 7,673.4 kg of muscular portions of both sexes and provenances . It is concluded that the meat masses removed from the carcasses due to the formation of abscesses due to vaccination reaction cause significant losses to the producers, proving the necessity of insertion of cattle management in northern Brazil.
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    Ação dos óleos essenciais de copaíba e melaleuca em microrganismos envolvidos na mastite subclínica de vacas sob sistema orgânico de produção
    (Universidade Brasil, 2020) Oliveira, Anderson Guimarães; Melo, Gabriel Maurício Peruca de; Bertipaglia, Liandra Maria Abaker
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    Avaliação ponderal de frangos de corte submetidos a diferentes protocolos de profilaxia contra coccidiose
    (Universidade Brasil, 2020) Fabri, Fabiano; Belo, Marco Antonio de Andrade
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    Desenvolvimento de aplicativo colaborativo para prevenção de intoxicação de animais de produção por plantas tóxicas no cone sul de Rondônia.
    (Universidade Brasil, 2020) Silva, Luiz Claudio da; Caldeira, Flávio Henrique Bravim; Pereira, Luiz Arthur Malta
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    Desenvolvimento de sensor eletrônico de detecção de estro e frequência de monta em bovinos.
    (Universidade Brasil, 2020) Oliveira, Raphael Augusto de Lucena; Orlandi, Cássia Maria Barroso; Pereira, Luiz Arthur Malta
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    Uso de Fosfeto de Alumínio como controle alternativo de Alphitobius Diaperinus em cama de frango de corte
    (Universidade Brasil, 2020) Queiroz, Willian; Sgavioli, Sarah; Soares, Vando Edésio
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    Influência de fontes de vanádio na fermentação ruminal in vitro
    (Universidade Brasil, 2020) Amancio, Weberson Donizeth de Castro; Melo, Wanderley José de; Melo, Gabriel Mauricio Peruca de
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    Estudo de meta-análise sobre a desinfecção de ovos férteis de matrizes.
    (Universidade Brasil, 2020) Rieger, Giancarlo; Andretta, Inês; Sgavioli, Sarah
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    Inclusão de polpa cítrica em dietas de grão inteiro de milho no confinamento de novilhos.
    (Universidade Brasil, 2019) Souza, Eduardo Freire de; Dian, Paulo Henrique Moura
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    Efeito da inclusão de pigmentantes naturais à dieta de frangos de corte sobre o desempenho. e coloração da pele do peito
    (Universidade Brasil, 2019) Biavatti, Hildene Andrey Zago; Mello, Juliana Lolli Malagoli de; Sgavioli, Sarah
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    Custos e benefícios da inseminação artificial nas pequenas propriedades leiteiras na região central de Rondônia.
    (Universidade Brasil, 2018) Morais, Sergio Batista de; Orlandi, Cássia Maria Barroso
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    Índices de tolerância ao estresse térmico e características fisiológicas de cabras Saanen no Tocantins
    (Universidade Brasil, 2019) Moraes, Eder Brasil de; Bertipaglia, Liandra Maria Abaker
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    Software online de gestão da pecuária leiteira.
    (Universidade Brasil, 2019) Santos, Cleverson Oliveira dos; Pereira, Luiz Arthur Malta; Bertipaglia, Liandra Maria Abaker
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    Eficiência do uso de cipermetrina sobre o controle de cascudinhos e desempenho do frango de corte.
    (Universidade Brasil, 2019) Souza, Christian Joppert Dias de; Santos, Elaine Talita; Sgavioli, Sarah
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    Características qualitativas da silagem de híbridos de milho com tecnologia VT PRO 2.
    (Universidade Brasil, 2019) Horbach, Ana Paula S. de Lazari; Dian, Paulo Henrique Moura