A tutela jurisdicional dos crimes ambientais ocorridos na comarca de Rubiataba, Goiás, entre o período de 2012 a 2018
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Universidade Brasil
A change in the environment, a product of action or anthropic activity, generates
impacts on human beings and nature, and they are subject to criminalization. Despite
environmental laws providing for administrative and judicial sanctions, in some cases
the penalty applied is not always reverted to the environment. This research aimed to
describe the application of the criminal law to environmental crimes in Rubiataba
municipality, Goiás state (Brazil), between 2012 and 2018, to identify complaints and
consequent environmental criminal actions in the period and to evaluate the
effectiveness of the legal norm and the jurisdictional protection against environmental
crimes in relation to sustainability. They used bibliographical and documentary
research, carried out in the Criminal Registry of the Rubiataba municipality as well as
a field study to visualize places of interest in the research. They identified and analyzed
twenty-three criminal proceedings for environmental crimes. The Public Prosecutor's
Office proposed a criminal transaction, a conditional suspension and a request to close
cases for lack of just cause for criminal action proposal and diligences to the Police
Station. The results showed that the offer of the criminal transaction in environmental
crimes involves the right to paying a financial penalty, destined for charities not related
to environmental preservation.
Destruição de florestas, Meio ambiente, Normatização, Penalidades, Suspensão