Estudo para incorporação de resíduos de construção e demolição em elemento permeável intertravado
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Universidade Brasil
This is a study on the incorporation of construction and demolition waste for the
production of permeable concrete pieces for paving urban areas with pedestrian and
light vehicle traffic, aiming to solve two of the biggest problems of modern society: (a)
the inappropriate destination solid waste and (b) waterproofing the soil in urban areas.
For this, permeable concrete pieces were produced with partial replacement of the
natural coarse aggregate by recycled aggregate in the percentages of 20, 40, 60 and
80%. Throughout the study, the dosages and granulometry of the aggregates were
modified to find the perfect trace that met the final objective. In the laboratory, the tests
were divided into analyzing the mechanical and hydraulic viability of the parts produced
with recycled aggregate comparing with the part produced with natural aggregate.
Compressive strength tests were performed to analyze the mechanical strength using
a hydraulic press. To analyze the hydraulic permeability a variable load permemeter
was used. Preliminary results of the research indicated that the use of single-sized
aggregates could provide concrete with high porosity, but not of adequate strength,
thus fine aggregate was added to the mix, with this change there was a significant
improvement in mechanical strength and permeability was appropriate. It was possible
to verify that only the line with 20% replacement met the normative reference to the
minimum mechanical resistance, while all lines met the minimum requirement
stipulated in the current regulatory standard for the permeability coefficient. Thus,
replacing up to 20% of the natural coarse aggregate with recycled aggregate is feasible
because it also meets the minimum mechanical strength parameters of 20 MPa. The
result demonstrates the possibility of reusing these residues, which also results in
advantages of an economic and environmental nature.
Pavimento Permeável, Drenagem Urbana, Impermeabilização do Solo, Sustentabilidade