Educação ambiental em Macapá - AP: análise da realidade e propostas para ações inovadoras

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Universidade Brasil


The importance of sensitizing people to act responsibly and consciously with the environment preserving, becomes a challenging motive in our contemporary society. Environmental Education (EE) is a process through which the subject and society collectively build social values, knowledge, skills, and attitudes aimed at environmental conservation, healthy quality of life and its sustainability. In the educational aspect, EE is an essential element and must be worked on both formally and non-formally. EE is an urgent decision on the local and global scene, it can be said a choice of life or for life, the continuity of life on the planet, for this, a healthy and harmonious relationship with the environment is necessary and EE should encourage protection, parity, and respect for the rights of all species, guaranteed by law, still relying on democratic strategies and mutual actions between subjects, living beings in general and cultural diversities. The objective of research was to investigate SEMED’s planning and guidelines for Environmental Education actions and how they are implemented in Elementary Schools I in Macapá – AP. The central question was defined as the research problem: what are SEMED’s planning and guidelines for EE actions and to what extent are they implemented in Elementary Schools in Macapá – Amapá? It is a qualitative approach with the development of an exploratory study, literature review and data search in official SEMED documents. The work presents important contributions on EE and research in courses on the subject, as well as reveals subsidies for the efficient use of public resources for the implementation of sectorial public policies in the intersection of the environmental area in the scope of education.



Meio ambiente, Educação crítico-emancipatória, Conscientização, Objetivos para o desenvolvimento sustentável, Ensino fundamental




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