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  • Ítem
    IATF como estratégia para melhorar a eficiência reprodutiva em vacas primíparas
    (Universidade Camilo Castelo Branco, 2018) Gatto Neto, Pasquale Mario Ranieri; Martins, Fernanda Manaia; Fêo, José Carlos Sabino de Almeida
    The national herd, for the most part, is created extensively on pasture. Thus, despite a lower one of the world's production costs, on the other hand it has a fall in production quality. Farms producing calves in the category that has the most impact with this breeding system is the first calf cows, due to increased nutritional requirement, because they need to maintain, grow and still breast- feeding their young. To succeed in the reproductive management of this category, it is necessary to combine a good nutritional management to reproductive strategies thus enabling improvements in reproductive rates. The FTAI is an essential tool for improving reproductive efficiency in livestock, particularly in specific categories.
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    Dermatofitose: revisão de literatura
    (Universidade Camilo Castelo Branco, 2017) Lacerda, Rafael Magnum Lima Gontijo; Martins, Fernanda Manaia; Fêo, José Carlos Sabino de Almeida
    Dermatophytosis is a disease of great importance at present, since it is a zoonosis, caused by a geophilic fungus. Of vast amplitude, it is considered that there are about 30 species of dermatophytes, being able to propagate in domestic animals, wild or even in humans. Their species are subdivided into, geophilic, those that live in the soil, zoophilic, those that attack domestic and wild animals and anthophilic, that attack them the human skin. Due to the potential of this disease, it is important to carry out a comprehensive review of the scientific literature in an attempt to suggest veterinary treatment to accelerate the suppression of dermatophytosis, reducing the risk of secondary contamination. The objective of this work is to do a review of the literature on Dermatofitose.
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    Abordagem clínica e cirúrgica do prolapso vaginal em cadelas: revisão bibliográfica
    (Universidade Camilo Castelo Branco, 2018) Morais, Lorraine Cristina Oliveira de; Araújo, Itallo Conrado Sousa de
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    Ceratoconjuntivite seca em cães
    (Universidade Camilo Castelo Branco, 2018) Freitas, Shelly da Silva; Pippi, Ney Luis
    CCS is a common disease in dogs and is characterized by aqueous tear deficiency, resulting in dryness and inflammation of the conjunctiva and cornea and ocular pain, as well as progressive corneal disease and reduced vision. CCS is also known as lacrimal system dysfunction syndrome or dry eye disease, according to various consensus, is a multifactor disease of the ocular surface that results in signs of discomfort, decreased visual acuity and tear film instability with damage potential to the ocular surface. This study aimed to carry out a bibliographic study about CCS in dogs of the last ten years, so that the scientific advances for this disease can be known, with possibilities to improve the treatment and possible cure, due to the possible increase of the occurrence of cases in the present. A descriptive, qualitative and basic research was carried out based on the analysis of texts produced in Brazil on the problematic: What is the state of the art about dry keratoconjunctivitis in dogs in Brazil? The methodology used was a bibliographical review based on the careful search of scientific articles available on the Internet and containing complete texts and free access. The electronic databases analyzed were:Scielo, CAPES and Google Scholar. We selected 11 articles that were analyzed and categorized for analysis. Of these, 3 are reviews of literature on CCS; two laboratory studies, one on the microbiota and one on the histological; an epidemiological study and four studies related to the treatment of CCS, of these, three researches with drug therapy and one with surgical therapy. The results show little recent research on the subject, however, an evolution in the treatment by pharmacological therapy is noticed, being the authors unanimous to indicate the surgical treatment as an option only in the non-responsive cases with medication.
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    Revisão bibliográfica de tratamento cirúrgico de persistência do ducto arterioso com o uso de hemoclip em cães
    (Universidade Camilo Castelo Branco, 2018) Freitas, Alexandro da Silva; Oliveira, André Lacerda de Abreu
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    Principais causas de condenações de carcaças no abate de bovinos
    (Universidade Camilo Castelo Branco, 2018) Braga, Fabiana Fontes; Martins, Fernanda Manaia; Fêo, José Carlos Sabino de Almeida
    Brazilian livestock farming is of great economic importance for the country, making Brazil the second largest beef producer in the world. However, the condemnation of carcasses in slaughterhouses is still one of the main causes of loss during slaughter and constitutes a direct economic loss for the refrigeration industry and for the producer. In order to ensure that beef consumption is made safely, ante-mortem and post-mortem health inspections are carried out to determine whether the carcass may be intended for the consumer. Post-mortem inspection of bovine animals is carried out on animals slaughtered by examination of various parts and organs and defines whether the carcasses will be released for consumption, conditionally used (salting, sausages or preserves), partially condemned or very condemned.
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    Influências fisiológicas e patológicas na fertilidade de fêmeas bovinas em reprodução
    (Universidade Camilo Castelo Branco, 2018) Moraes Filho, Mauro Gouveia de; Martins, Fernanda Manaia; Fêo, José Carlos Sabino de Almeida
    The present work aims to demonstrate several pathologies linked to the genital system of bovine females and that ends up affecting their reproductive development, and can trigger a degree of anestrous in these animals. It is of paramount importance that the owner as well as the peons of the farm be attentive to the signs that the herd may present as, repetitions of heat and irregular heat, causing the owner to end up having injury with that animal that due to some anomaly, Can manage. In case any irregular behavior is observed that is not in the normal range of that herd, the Veterinarian should be called to examine and respond appropriately in any situation whatsoever.
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    Osteossíntese diafisária de tíbia e fíbula com pino intramedular e cerclagem em cães e gatos: revisão de literatura
    (Universidade Camilo Castelo Branco, 2018) Borges, Davi; Martins, Fernanda Manaia; Fêo, José Carlos Sabino de Almeida
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    Hipersensibilidade alimentar em cães - revisão de literatura
    (Universidade Brasil, 2018) Ferreira, Larissa Batista de Souza; Prado, Tales Dias do
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    Biotecnologias da reprodução aplicadas a felídeos selvagens para conservação das espécies
    (Universidade Brasil, 2017) Vicente, Ariane Beltrame; Borboleta, Luana Rodrigues
    The threat of extinction weights seriously upon the big felines, including one of the biggest and more important among them, the Jaguar (Panthera once), which has as habitat different regions of Brazil. Nowadays it is found on the list of threatened animals or in risk of extinction.This means, the application of assisted reproduction in wild species threatened of extinction are more and more important. But in order of such technique to be applied, information regarding physiology and reproductive endocrinology must be obtained, just as characteristics of the ejaculated, estrous cycle, type of ovulation, seasonality and stress. These information about the Jaguar and other felines can be obtained through endocrine studies from invasive techniques of hormonal monitoring. The seminal evaluation, super ovulation, artificial insemination, in vitro production of embryos (including sperm capacitation steps, MIV, FIV, CIV) embryo transfer, semem and embryos cryopreservation, rises as an alternate method intended to minimize the lowering of genetic variability of populations. The electroejaculation, is the method used to obtain semen from felines, in the seminal evaluation, high marks of sperm abnormality are common in Felidae family and the Jaguar, usually associated to three big factors: Genetics, Nutritional and Environmental. Artificial insemination in Jaguars has the best result rate when done intrauterine through laparoscopia trans-abdominal. PIV is a well spread technique among Jaguars, the wild cats embryos cryopreservation exists, but it is still not a common procedure. All this Increasing the genetic variability and aiming at the successful conservation of endangered species of wild felines.
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    Hipotireoidismo em cães e gatos
    (Universidade Camilo Castelo Branco, 2017) Ferreira e Sá, Bruno José; Rocha, Bruno Divino
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    A doença renal crônica (DRC) e o manejo terapêutico do paciente renal
    (Universidade Camilo Castelo Branco, 2017) Silva, Samilla Oliveira; Silva, Luma Tatiana
    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is the reduction of renal function due to loss of morphological structure. Dogs with CKD decreases the glomerular filtration due to nephron loss. The progression of the disease may vary from days to months moslty without clinical manifestation in initial stages. Laboratory evaluations, ultrasound, radiography and clinical examination are important to determine the stage of the disease. Treatment of the CKD patient should follow the International Renal Interest Society (IRIS) recommendations. IRIS presents therapeutics to attend renal patients. It also gives other useful recommendations to monitor CKD patients to improve health care in dogs.
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    Práticas e técnicas do sistema reprodutivo de bovinos em propriedades rurais
    (Universidade Camilo Castelo Branco, 2017) Gracini, Tatiane Aparecida; Almeida, Fernanda Martins de; Fêo, José Carlos Sabino de Almeida
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    Cinomose canina – revisão de literatura
    (Universidade Camilo Castelo Branco, 2017) Domingues, Luciana Ferreira; Martins, Fernanda Manaia; Fêo, José Carlos Sabino de Almeida
  • Ítem
    Piometra canina - revisão de literatura
    (Universidade Camilo Castelo Branco, 2017) Dolabella, Amanda do Prado Ribeiro; Teixeira, Felipe Marques
    Pyometra is a disease caused by the action of progesterone, later favoring bacterial colonization. The diagnosis begins with a history of the patient, clinically with physical examination, and may have vulvar secretion or not, changes in laboratory and imaging tests, being the most used ultrasonography. The prognosis varies according to the time of diagnosis, depending on the evolutionary stage of the disease and type of therapy used, emphasizing that the most effective treatment is surgical, ovariosalpingohisterectomia. The present work has the objective of performing a bibliographic review about this pathology of great importance in the clinical routine, gathering relevant information as definition, diagnosis and treatment.
  • Ítem
    Tratamento de demodicose canina generalizada com Fluralaner (Bravecto®) - relato de caso
    (Universidade Camilo Castelo Branco, 2017) Costa, Marla Verena Argolo; Martins, Fernanda Manaia; Fêo, José Carlos Sabino de Almeida
    Canine demodicosis is a parasitic inflammatory skin disease, very common in the medical routine of small animals. It can be classified as localized or generalized according to the extent of its lesions. Newborn dogs become infected through direct contact with their mother. It is known to be a multifactorial disease, involving genetic, immunological, parasitic, bacterial, ecological and cutaneous environmental factors. The diagnosis can be given from examinations such as deep skin scraping and / or parasitological by printing on acetate tape. The present study aims to report the occurrence of a clinical case of generalized demodicosis in adult canine with bacterial pyoderma and associated malasseziosis, treated with a single dose of Fluralaner (Bravecto®), amoxicillin 10.0 mg / kg with clavulanate and shampoo a Base chlorhexidine 2% and miconazole 2.53%, remission of symptoms, and negative in the parasitological in 30 days.
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    Principais métodos de análises realizados com a finalidade de verificar a qualidade do leite
    (Universidade Brasil, 2017) Azevedo, Marcela do Rego Barros Rodrigues de; Xavier, Marta Maria B. B. S.
    Milk is considered a complete food, according to the Regulamento da Inspeção Industrial e Sanitária de Produtos de Origem Animal (RIISPOA). must be from healthy animals and quality must be preserved from milking to processing (BRASIL, 2017). To do this, it is necessary to establish an effective control of mastitis in the herd, to have good milking practices to obtain milk in a hygienic way, to perform preventive maintenance and correct cleaning of the equipment, to provide adequate milk cooling and to ensure transportation taking into account the requirements and standards. The present study elucidates the main analyzes by which milk is tested in the beneficiary establishments inspected by Serviço de Inspeção Federal, do Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (SIF/MAPA).The physico-chemical and microbiological parameters of bovine raw milk were screened in order to establish the quality with which the raw milk must reach the breeding establishment, according to Normative Instruction no. 62 (BRAZIL, 2011). The analyzed analyzes are: total dry extract; alizarol test; milk fat concentration; freezing point; density; acidity; somatic cell counting; temperature; Dornic test; non-greasy solids content; total bacterial count; and methylene blue test. Such analyzes are of great importance both to know the quality of the milk and to guarantee profits to the industry, aiming at the certainty of the product being delivered integrally and unchanged. It was verified, in literature review, that the average values of the analyzes meet the specifications of IN nº. 62 in most establishments, which indicates that Brazil can improve the quality of milk when so required. The lack of conformity of some samples in several establishments, however, evidences the need for a greater attention with the hygiene in the milking and storage and, also, with the health of the animals, and mainly failure in the fiscalization because this type of food is diffused in the bands and being able to disseminate microorganisms of relevance to collective health.
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    Demodiciode canina - relato de caso
    (Universidade Camilo Castelo Branco, 2017) Cometti, Ramayana Induzzi; Flecher, Mayra Cunha
    Demodicidal, also known as follicular, red or black scabies is a dermatopathy characterized by the excessive presence of Demodex canis, a mite that is usually commensal of the skin. It presents clinically in two forms, localized demodicy (DL) and generalized demodiciasis (DG). The diagnosis is made through skin scraping and treatment can be performed through different protocols such as topical treatments using amitraz, benzoyl peroxide based shampoo or systemic treatments using moxidectin, ivermectin and more recently with the use of afoxolaner and Sarolaner, products still being tested for the treatment of demodosis. One dog, Pitt bul for 10 months with thick skin with hyperpigmentation, desquamation, extensive alopecia in several areas, wet and hemorrhagic lesions was attended. A skin scraping was performed for diagnosis. The treatment was carried out with oral administration of Ivermectin 0.5 / kg / VO / SID / 30 days, baths with benzoyl peroxide 2.5% and cephalexin 30mg / kg / VO/ BID / 30dias, in addition to vitamin supplement glutamine 1ml / 10kg BID 30 days resulting in improvement of the clinical picture after approximately 60 days.
  • Ítem
    Demodicose canina: relato de caso clínico
    (Universidade Camilo Castelo Branco, 2017) Baptista, Maria Nathália Souza; Martins, Fernanda Manaia; Fêo, José Carlos Sabino de Almeida
    Demodicides are one of the main canine dermatopathies, caused by parasitic mites of the genus Demodex, especially Demodex canis, which proliferate excessively, due to the failure of the cellular response. The disease can present in two clinical forms: Localized Dermatitis (DL) and Generalized Dermatitis (DG). DL is more common in young dogs being self-limiting in most cases. Contamination can occur in the first days of life, through close contact with the carrier mother. The DG occurs mainly in animals older than two years of age, and its prognosis is reserved. Treatment requires the use of appropriate drugs and proper guidance to owners.
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    Doença renal policística felina
    (Universidade Camilo Castelo Branco, 2017) Alvim, Mariana Costa Pinto; Porto, Mirna Ribeiro