O meio ambiente no meio do mundo: o fazer na educação infantil municipal em Macapá - Amapá

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Universidade Brasil


The aim of the research was to investigate how the environmental issue can be worked in Early Childhood Education in the public network of the city of Macapá (AP), in a critical perspective based on the conception of Paulo Freire and the approach of Reggio Emília. The study was developed through a qualitative approach, with bibliographic review on the theme and information gathering from secondary sources, in a public school in the city of Macapá (Amapá). It can be observed, through studies and records, that children, in the development of different projects, were always interested, motivated and participants, and thus it was possible to understand different practices in the light of childhood pedagogy, which conceived the child as a key player, who has time and voice, in the planning and execution of all educational practices. The research evidenced the need to elaborate didactic materials for study, deepening and working on environmental issues with children in early childhood education. Therefore, we believe that a didactic booklet can be a promissing alternative, which will stimulate creativity and awaken interest and taste for sustainability, and can infect children with the content of texts and drawings, as well as making them take a critical position in face of environmental problems, reading the world as a poetic and aesthetic field.



Educação Ambiental, Cartilha Didática, Participação, Protagonismo infantil, Conscientização




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