Marketing ambiental no Brasil: um estudo do estado da arte

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Universidade Brasil
The present article is the result of a research that approaches the state of knowledge of environmental marketing strategies. This project presents an exploratory bibliographic research, which was based on the collection of data on Environmental Marketing and its benefits, with the aim of verifying the state of the present knowledge on this topic, using the collection of data in the empirical research previously carried out, published by the means of the Foundation for the Coordination and Improvement of Higher Level or Education Personnel (Capes), appointing the most relevant performance on the topic at issue, from 2000 to 2019. The obtained data permitted to understand how environmental marketing added value to brands, as well as to recognize the profile of customers and the companies’ methods of behaviour so that they become genuinely “green”, these strategies are identified to increase the social value and profitability of products through marketing. The importance of consumers in the acquisition of green products is emphasized, as these are the main agents for this cycle to become effective and functional. Therefore, harmonizing the needs of the society and environmental protection, and contributing so that the business actions accomplish the expected return with the use of these strategies.
Equilíbrio Sustentável, Propaganda Verde, Consumidor