Monitoramento e resistência a antibióticos de cepas de Escherichia Coli isoladas da água do Parque do Carmo-SP
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Universidade Brasil
Contamination of water bodies by anthropic activities can alter water quality. This study
aimed to monitor the presence and concentration of Escherichia coli in the water of
Carmo Park, SP, and to evaluate antibiotic resistance of strains isolated from water.
Three collection points were analyzed. The points were identified as: P1 - Stream with
preserved riparian forest that supplies the main lagoon, P2 - Secondary lagoon without
riparian vegetation and P3 - Main lagoon without riparian vegetation. Temperatures were
measured by a portable digital thermometer. The pH was determined by a bench meter.
The E. coli concentration was performed by inoculation of the samples in 3M PetrifilmTM
plates, incubated in an oven at 37ºC for 48 hours. The isolates were soed in Petri dishes
containing Mueller Hinton Agar. The antibiotic resistance profile was evaluated by the
disk diffusion technique. Water temperature and rainfall were higher in the summer
months, and pH was close to legislation (6.0 to 9.0). Total coliforms were observed in
100% of the samples. The highest results were visualized in P1. The results of E. coli
are within the parameters defined in legislation: maximum concentration 1000 CFU/100
mL of water analyzed. The isolated strains showed resistance at three points, in P1
amoxicilline 41.67%, erythromycin 75.00% and tetracycline 66.67%; in P2 amoxicilline
33.33%, erythromycin 66.67%, tetracycline 25%; and P3 erythromycin 91.67%,
nitrofurantoin 33.33% and tetracycline 33.33%. The water of Carmo Park has
concentrations of E. coli that fall within the limits allowed for class 2 bodies of water. E.
coli strains isolated from park water are more resistant to antibiotics amoxicilline,
erythromycin and tetracycline.
Bactérias, Coliformes, Ecossistemas aquáticos, Esgoto, Poluição