O descarte de medicamentos e a percepção dos danos ao Meio ambiente pela população de Frutal - MG
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Universidade Brasil
The increase in the production and consumption of medicines associated with their
incorrect disposal can compromise human and environmental health. This research
aimed to evaluate household disposal of medicines and perception of damage to the
environment by the population of Frutal - MG, Brazil. As a methodology, a
questionnaire was created via Google Forms (free and free platform) with multiple
choice questions about age group; sex; income; schooling; disposal of packaging,
medication, expired drugs; return to pharmacies; storage; knowledge of the population
about damage to the environment. The study made it possible to achieve an inference
of 3.20% confidence and 99% reliability within the collected sample. The questionnaire
was answered by 1,561 people in the municipality. The results showed that the
prevalent age group was between 18 and 29 years old (32.9%). They observed that
70.5% of the answers were female, income of 1 to 2 wages (27.3%), most with higher
education (27.8%); 92.7% of the population makes the incorrect disposal and only
7.3% they do it properly; 62.7% of people said they caused damage to the soil by
improperly disposing of drugs, 62.3% caused damage to water, 47.5% damage to
health and the population and 1.7% there is no contamination when improperly
disposing of medicines. They concluded that the population demonstrated
understanding about the damage caused to the environment in relation to incorrect
disposal, but an intervention is necessary mainly on how to do this disposal properly
Contaminação, Logística reversa, Recursos hídricos, Saúde pública