Marketing jurídico: vetos e permissões do Código de Ética e Disciplina da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil e do provimento Nº 205/2021
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Universidade Brasil
This article aims to clarify doubts regarding the regulation of the OAB, the vetoes and permissions of the Code of Ethics and Discipline and Provision 205/2021 for the practice of legal marketing by lawyers. It is extremely important to study the ethical limits for carrying out marketing in law, as this is a means of attracting clients. Provision 205/2021 brought new concepts for legal marketing, legal content marketing, advertising, professional advertising of legal content, active and passive advertising, and finally, attracting clientele, it also innovates with the permission of paid traffic. As can be seen, this study will address all the limits of legal marketing so that lawyers can use the tools assertively and ethically.
Ética, Marketing, Publicidade, Advogado