Avaliação dos níveis de ansiedade em estudantes universitários
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Universidade Brasil
University admission is considered an anxiety generating experience to
students due to the educational method transition stage from High School to University.
Anxiety is a psychopathology incident in University students in which the
symptomatology affects the formal learning construction, generating psychological
illness. Scientific studies show a higher incidence of anxiety disorders in the health field
students compared to the general population, pointing out the need for IES’ to evaluate
the students’ psychological conditions, offering support services. Goal: Assess the
anxiety signs and symptoms and its correlation with sociodemographic and lifestyle
characteristics in University students. Methods: It is about an analytical and crosssectional study, conducted with 120 University students. The data was collectedthrough
the following instruments: Sociodemographic and lifestyle questionnaire, BeckAnxiety
Inventory (BAI) and saliva collection and salivary cortisol dosage. The researchwas
approved by the Ethics and Research Committee of Universidade Brasil, under the
opinion number 3.732.897. Results: A total of 120 students were a part of the study,106
being female and 14 being male students. The average age was 26.4 years old
(Median:23.00; Standard deviation: 9.174; Min: 18; Max: 55). Out of the students, 77.5%
are single and 76.7% have no kids. For the use of BAI, 16.7% of students had minimal
anxiety, 13.3% had mild anxiety, 16.6% moderate anxiety and 53.3% severe anxiety.
Regarding the dosage of salivary cortisol in the collected samples, 89.2% of students
were within standard limits (under 0.736 µg / dL); 7.8% of students had cortisolvalues
above the reference values. Conclusion: The data collected in the studyrevealeda high
occurrence of students with signs and symptoms of anxiety disorders.The results
reinforce the need for IES’ to include actions to identify students in psychological
distress in their practices, concomitant with the adoption of pedagogicalpractices that
envision their mental health.
Ansiedade, Estudantes, Avaliação da ansiedade, Cortisol salivar