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    Os cuidados da enfermagem ocupacional para minimizar os riscos ergonômicos no trabalho braçal em granja de galinhas poedeiras
    (Universidade Brasil, 2023-06-20) Amaral, Esther Vitória; Girotti, Cilene Aparecida Barbalho
    This work aims to verify the need for improvements in the poultry sector, to prevent or minimize ergonomic risks in workers in this area. Ergonomic scratches appear in the form of small pains, at the beginning, like back pain, pins and needles, and finally, after more time and repetitive work, they can start serious health problems, such as chronic and/or acute pain. The methodology of this research was carried out through a bibliographic review of some works, potentially a field study in 2010, where the activity of professionals from a farm located in the experimental farm of Iguatemi was verified, where risks were monitored. And factors that can lead to ergonomic risks and illnesses.He suffered aggravation factors such as pain due to repetitive movements and noticed the workday of each of the professionals.In the study, a series of possible improvements are suggested to prevent or minimize the risks of diseases associated with work and we also saw the importance of how na occupational nurse can be useful to help minimize the data and also help to contain them, being a link between employees and boss, as this would work for the good of the employee and the workplace.The study made it clear that a more recent one was required for better results, but it also demonstrated that there are sectors in the company where urgent changes are needed for the good of both parties, such as hiring a nurse to resolve issues and define which the improvements that must be made as soon as possible.
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    O controle das infecções hospitalares nas Unidades de Terapia Intensiva adulto: abordagem da enfermagem
    (Universidade Brasil, 2023-06-19) Romantini, Juliana Villa; Marcantonio, Maria Heloisa Liberali; Assis, Maria Tereza Bonitatibus de
    Nursing develops the promotion, prevention and recovery of human health. The admirable Florence Nightingale, founder of modern nursing, born into a rich, educated family, had the opportunity to study several languages, mathematics, philosophy, religion and decided to take care of the most needy, the sick, minimizing pain and suffering. His life was one of giving, love, charity, humility, valuing the appropriate environment for care, with authority over the care provided, and yet he managed to reduce rates of diseases and infections. Antibiotics, drugs with the intention of recovering health, have been harmed by incorrect use or use without a prescription, causing numerous harms to health, increasing microbial resistance. In the Intensive Care Units, all care is redoubled, because they are more sensitive patients and susceptible to any microorganism. Hand washing despite a simple act is considered very effective against the transmission of pathogens by reducing health-related infections. Due to the severity of the patients and the high consumption of antimicrobials in the ICU, there is a higher incidence of multidrug-resistant germs. The nurse is the most qualified professional to manage prevention measures against nosocomial infections.
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    Cuidados de enfermagem relacionados á síndrome da morte súbita do lactente: fatores de risco e cuidados profiláticos
    (Universidade Brasil, 2023) Paula, Lara da Silva de; Fernandes, Inaina Lara
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    Assistência de enfermagem ao paciente esquizofrênico: contribuições técnicas e educativas a equipe de enfermagem, familiares e cuidadores
    (Universidade Brasil, 2023) Silva, Maria Erica Araujo; Pereira, André Marcelo Lima; Fernandes, Inaina Lara
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    Enfermagem em foco educação em saúde para pessoa idosa portadora de HIV
    (Universidade Brasil, 2023) Teixeira, Ana Flávia Barbosa; Alves, Danilo de Miranda
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    Prevenção do câncer de colo: atuação do enfermeiro na atenção primária à saúde
    (Universidade Brasil, 2023-06-20) André, Flávia Taís; Patracão, Nathalia Daddio; Silva, Katia Gomes da
    To analyze and describe the role of nurses' work in the prevention and promotion of health in the face of cervical cancer. Method: An integrative literature review was performed on the importance of the nurse in the prevention of women's health promotion related to cervical cancer. The bibliographic survey was carried out in the databases of Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS), Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo), Google Scholar and booklets of the Ministry of Health. Results: Primary health care - PHC constitutes individual, family and collective health actions that involve promotion, prevention, protection, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, harm reduction, palliative care and health surveillance, developed through integrated care practices and qualified management carried out by a multidisciplinary team and directed to the population for which they assume responsibility. (Ministry of Health, 2012). In this scenario, the nurse develops an important strategic role that aims to screen for cervical cancer, developing educational actions, home visits, nursing consultations and other actions. (FRANCO, 2012). Conclusion: The nurse allocated in PHC has an essential role in the promotion and prevention of cervical cancer. Using strategies focused on health education and bonding allows us to provide more meaningful and effective care.
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    Perfil epidemiológico de meningite de uma cidade da região noroeste paulista
    (Universidade Brasil, 2023) Marinho, Ana Beatriz Braga; Pereira, André Marcelo Lima; Passerini, Juliana Petini
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    A importância da orientação do enfermeiro aos acompanhantes de idosos hospitalizados
    (Universidade Brasil, 2021) Madureira, Amanda Reis de Lima; Batista, Ana Rosa Queiroz; Neman, Fabiana
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    Fatores que contribuem para redução da reincidência de úlcera venosa na atenção primária à saúde
    (Universidade Brasil, 2020) Alves, Daniel Pereira; Lourenço, Thamiris Barbosa; Neman, Fabiana
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    Enfermagem diante da morte: ampliando conhecimentos sobre a finitude humana
    (Universidade Brasil, 2021) Macêdo, Raphael Bernardino; Neman, Fabiana
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    O papel da prova integrativa no processo de avaliação: percepção do discente
    (Universidade Brasil, 2021) Marins, Edison Carlos de; Petcov, Tatiana; Neman, Fabiana
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    Elaboração de tecnologia educativa sobre covid-19
    (Universidade Brasil, 2022) Biscassi, Isabela Piucci; Jesus, Giselle Juliana de