O controle das infecções hospitalares nas Unidades de Terapia Intensiva adulto: abordagem da enfermagem

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Universidade Brasil
Nursing develops the promotion, prevention and recovery of human health. The admirable Florence Nightingale, founder of modern nursing, born into a rich, educated family, had the opportunity to study several languages, mathematics, philosophy, religion and decided to take care of the most needy, the sick, minimizing pain and suffering. His life was one of giving, love, charity, humility, valuing the appropriate environment for care, with authority over the care provided, and yet he managed to reduce rates of diseases and infections. Antibiotics, drugs with the intention of recovering health, have been harmed by incorrect use or use without a prescription, causing numerous harms to health, increasing microbial resistance. In the Intensive Care Units, all care is redoubled, because they are more sensitive patients and susceptible to any microorganism. Hand washing despite a simple act is considered very effective against the transmission of pathogens by reducing health-related infections. Due to the severity of the patients and the high consumption of antimicrobials in the ICU, there is a higher incidence of multidrug-resistant germs. The nurse is the most qualified professional to manage prevention measures against nosocomial infections.
Infecção hospitalar, Unidades de Terapia Intensiva, Enfermagem, Nosocomial infection, Intensive Care Units, Nursing