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Search Statistics for Engenharia Química

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Search Term Searches % of Total Pageviews / Search
1 author_keyword:Santos, Higor Pereira 4 18.18% 0.00
2 dateIssued_keyword:2022 4 18.18% 0.00
3 has_content_in_original_bundle_keyword:true 4 18.18% 0.00
4 subject_keyword:Cana-de-açúcar. difusão. protótipo 4 18.18% 0.00
5 subject_keyword:ENG 4 18.18% 0.00
6 1 4.55% 18154.00
7 the 1 4.55% 11993.00


Searches % of Total Pageviews / Search
22 100.00% 0.00

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