Doença mixomatosa da válvula mitral
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Universidade Brasil
Myxomatous Mitral Valve Disease (MVMD) is the most common acquired heart disease in canine species, representing about 75% of heart diseases in adult dogs, it is a progressive and chronic disease, which consists of endocardiosis of the left heart valve, known such as the mitral valve, which, when degenerated, leads the animal to congestive heart failure. Studies show that about 30% of patients who have left-sided valve endocardiosis also have changes in the valve on the right side, called the tricuspid valve, such changes in valves generate the condition known as congestive heart failure (CHF), known as: ICCE (left congestive heart failure) in cases of mitral endocardiosis, and ICCD (right congestive heart failure) in cases of tricuspid endocardiosis, in general the disease usually has a slow progression, however, it is considered a disease with unpredictable progression, varying from case to case. It is a disease with a higher incidence in small dogs (less than 20 kg), and with a prevalence1.5 times higher in male than female dogs. The objective of this report was to report a case of DMVM in a dog, reporting the approach and protocol used, compared to what determines the 2019 consensus “Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of myxomatous mitral valve disease in dogs”.
Doença mixomatosa, Válvula mitral, Endocardiose, Insuficiência cardíaca congestiva