Desenvolvimento de aplicativo para o controle de brucelose associado ao manejo integrado da propriedade

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Universidade Brasil
Brucellosis is a chronic infectious disease with worldwide distribution, which causes great economic losses, in addition to serious health problems, mainly because it is a zoonosis. Within the National Program for the Control and Eradication of Brucellosis and Tuberculosis (PNCEBT), the vaccination of female cattle and buffaloes between three and eight months of age is one of the items necessary for its control and eradication. Given the difficulties faced by some producers in establishing the correct vaccination period for animals, this work aims to automate birth control, registration of date of coverage, types of medicines and vaccines used, control of weight gain, in addition to the implementation of other information of the ideal period for vaccination, through the creation of an easy-to-use application to be used by rural producers, who will have control of this data, based on the information entered by the user, assisting in the health management of the herd. The application was developed in the languages HTML, PHP, Java Script, CSS and MySQL database and can be accessed via the link: It has a computer program registration certificate, issued by the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), registered under number BR512023001618-7, with title: VacB19-Vaccination Control System. The development of the application (software) works on several platforms, being easily accessed by cell phone or computer, to assist in the control of brucellosis vaccination, as well as in the integrated health management of the property.
Brucella spp, Controle sanitário, Zoonoses, Programa