Dificuldades na aprendizagem associadas ao transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade: algumas possibilidades de atuação do psicólogo
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Universidade Brasil
The studies carried out to prepare this monograph primarily aim to survey several references that support discussions surrounding problems in the development of learning in correlation with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in the experience of children aged 6 to 12 so that, immediately afterwards, the professional Psychologist can be included in effective forms of intervention. The works were not only selected based on age criteria, by determining whether publication time was below 6 years but also underwent a delimitation of core terms such as Education, Neuroscience and Psychology in order to reduce options in the analysis of their summaries. Through these observations, we sought to structure the argumentation and the desired performance of the Psychologist in an integrative bibliographical review of qualitative content based on an initial introduction to the concept of learning together with an exploration of neurological structures as intermediate factors for a cognitive and behavioural probe that seeks to detail simple processes affected by the disorder. Professional approaches depart from this context, seeking a correlation between neurocognitive and behavioural aspects and historical-social, pharmacological and intersectoral elements, in order to conduct favourable rehabilitation considering each child in their subjectivity while learning. Considering each author and their theoretical foundation, the aim was to bring a diverse and complementary perspective on the possible interactions for the Mental Health professional in a situation of necessary interference because, as seen in the initial proposal, there is an objective of highlighting essential understandings and techniques to promote development in a phase of extreme importance for the formation of the being. In the end, we had contact with a series of concepts that allowed an even more complete elaboration on the help of young people in their cognitive growth while diagnosed, as well as it was also possible to establish and expose more clearly the connection, often neglected, between each one of the forms of treatment and as this is the main point to be worked on.
Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH), Aprendizagem, Intervenção, Psicologia, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Learning, Children, Intervention, Psychology