CF-SPEED 20 - medidor de velocidade de escoamento em canais por diferencial de pressão
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Universidade Brasil
The river basins developments are very important for the water cycle, the entry of water
is through precipitation, while the exit occurs through runoff and evapotranspiration.
This flow can be monitored by means of probabilistic calculations and precision
algorithms. In streams and rivers, flow monitoring is carried out by various methods
and techniques, such as hydrometric windlass, gutters, acoustic doppler or even
methods with floats. Today with the new technologies, the importance of technological
innovation has become something important, thinking about it, the present work aims
to develop a device for measuring flow velocity in channels by means of pressure,
called CF-SPEED 20. The meter it was developed at Universidade Brasil - Campus
Fernandópolis and consists of sensors (pressure), digital amplifier modules (HX711)
and memory card, connected to the Arduino platform. The structure where the sensors
and electronic circuits are located was built using low cost material and the plastic
base. To provide greater balance and accuracy during measurement, a bubble level
T-shape was installed on the upper part of the structure. In five tests performed by the
CF-SPEED 20, flow velocity data was collected and stored in a given stretch of the
stream, allowing calculate the amount of water passing through that location. The
calibration of the CF-SPEED 20 was performed by regression, with one variable being
the flow rate measured by the hydrometric reel and the variable with the voltage
difference measured in the pressure sensors. The results obtained from the calibration
of the sensors and the application of the meter, show an excellent reliability in obtaining
data of the flow velocity. It can be concluded that the CF-SPEED 20 meter is functional
to capture the flow velocity using the differential pressure and at a low cost.
Hidrometria, Vazão, Sensores, Arduino, Recursos hídricos