2024-05-232024-05-232016https://repositorioacademico.universidadebrasil.edu.br/handle/123456789/820Epidural anesthesia is an established technique, where we can highlight some advantages such as safety, efficiency, low cost, muscle relaxation, reduction in the use of other anesthetics and smooth recovery. The almost absence of any effects of cardiorespiratory depression favors its indication as a very tolerable alternative protocol for high-risk animals, where traditional general anesthesia may be contraindicated. Despite all these advantages, there are some situations where its successful use may be limited; as in the case of animals at risk and aggressive behavior, septicemia, coagulopathies, neuropathies and spinal cord injuries.PDFpt-BRopenAccessAnestesiologia veterináriaFarmacologiaManejo da dor - Pequenos animaisAnalgesia epiduralFármacos ultilizados na anestesia epiduralbachelorThesisCA