2022-12-042022-12-042021https://repositorioacademico.universidadebrasil.edu.br/handle/123456789/498This paper contributes to the dissemination of the project carried out in the Professora Maria Expedita Silva State School, located in the municipality of Mauá, ABCDM Paulista, through the project "School Garden" within the context of Environmental Education aimed at using the school garden as a driving force of community dynamics, since it involves consumption in the enrichment of the snack itself as well as the distribution in the neighborhood of what is grown in the garden. The field study carried out is through the development of the project "School Garden" in the actions developed with teenagers from Elementary II and High School of the school. The main objective is the implementation of sustainable and community actions developed in the school environment, promoting the union between the school and the local community in the consumption and preservation of the school garden, as well as the development of a sense of responsibility towards the environment, the importance of working on the preservation, care, and defense of the environment, the importance of a natural diet, and the involvement in pedagogical actions in an interdisciplinary way. The study methodology is descriptive and transversal, because the literature review has a relevant role in the knowledge and discussion of realities, actions, and programs. The authors who will be used understand Environmental Education in the school environment as a prerogative of sustainable actions for the future, enabling the student to develop in practice the theoretical learning of the class using appropriate tools that awaken the different look in the social, occupational, thus enhancing the quality of life, with the purpose of effective learning of the importance of construction and cooperative actions as a source of environmental sustainability food and socioeconomic development. Thus, the results show the engagement of adolescents in the sustainable actions of the educational project, reflecting in the modification of collaborative postures in the integration with their natural environment.PDFpt-BRopenAccessComunidadeResponsabilidadeSustentabilidadeEducação ambiental: a horta escolar como eixo condutor de dinâmicas comunitáriasmasterThesisCB