2022-11-282022-11-282020https://repositorioacademico.universidadebrasil.edu.br/handle/123456789/365They characterize dengue as an acute viral infectious disease transmitted by the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito, being an important public health problem. Estimates by the World Health Organization suggest that 50 million cases occur each year and that about 2.5 billion people live in countries endemic for dengue. The present study aimed to describe the epidemiological profile of dengue in the municipality of Ilha Solteira, in the period between 2016 and 2018, aiming at indicating action strategies with the objective of controlling and preventing the occurrence of the disease in the municipality. A retrospective descriptive study was carried out with data recorded the Severe Notification Information System (SINAN). The variables used for the study were: number of reported and confirmed cases among the months of the surveyed years, distribution of cases regarding gender, age, race, area of residence, and case evolution. In the investigated period 1019 suspected cases of dengue were reported, 79.4% of the cases being confirmed. The highest number of cases occurred in the first five months of the year, mainly affecting individuals between 40 and 44 years and women. The North Zone neighborhoods were the ones that presented the most notifications. The municipality of Ilha Solteira has high incidence rates of the disease, with annual variation for more or less cases, so they consider climate endemic for dengue. This observation leads to the need to organize the Basic Care health services through improvements in the actions to confront the disease, calling on the population to carry out daily actions in their homes and peridomicide in order to reduce the number of cases.PDFpt-BRopenAccessAedes aegyptiAtenção básicaEndêmicoPerfil epidemiológico da dengue no município de Ilha Solteira, São Paulo, no período de 2016 a 2018masterThesisCB