2022-11-212022-11-212021https://repositorioacademico.universidadebrasil.edu.br/handle/123456789/214The pandemic triggered by the new Corona virus (SARS-CoV-2), which causes COVID-19, has affected many healthcare professionals worldwide who have been infected, some of them progressing to death. The use of personal protective equipment is ensured as a measure to protect the health and safety of the worker. The preparation of this study aimed to build a technical manual for the attire and undressing of health professionals in the correct execution of the removal and placement of personal protective equipment in patient care with COVID19. The development of the study took place from August 2020 to May 2021. For systematization, the following inclusion criteria were established: article publications and scientific journals from 2015 to 2021 with contextualization on the proposed topic. As exclusion criteria: studies that did not cover the topic in question, articles that were outside the delimited years. Searches were also carried out in the journal Database and CAPES theses database for dissertations and theses on the proposed topic. Six articles were selected, 1 from 2015 and another 15 from 2020. An analysis was made of the materials found, texts and illustrations, allowing the selection of updated contents in the context and illustration, enabling the construction of informative texts. In this study, the “Technical manual on biosafety in the use of PPE for healthcare professionals who work on the front line in combating Covid-19” was developed, aimed at health professionals working on the front line in the fight against COVID-19. This manual will be made available in an e-book allowing the use of health professionals such as doctors, nurses, nutritionists, pharmacists, and physiotherapists.PDFpt-BRopenAccessBiossegurançaBioengenhariaPessoal de SaúdeManual de ReferênciaCovid-19Manual técnico em biossegurança na paramentação e desparamentação dos equipamentos de proteção individual dos profissionais de saúde que atuam na linha de frente à Covid-19masterThesisCS