2024-06-112024-06-112017https://repositorioacademico.universidadebrasil.edu.br/handle/123456789/830Milk is considered a complete food, according to the Regulamento da Inspeção Industrial e Sanitária de Produtos de Origem Animal (RIISPOA). must be from healthy animals and quality must be preserved from milking to processing (BRASIL, 2017). To do this, it is necessary to establish an effective control of mastitis in the herd, to have good milking practices to obtain milk in a hygienic way, to perform preventive maintenance and correct cleaning of the equipment, to provide adequate milk cooling and to ensure transportation taking into account the requirements and standards. The present study elucidates the main analyzes by which milk is tested in the beneficiary establishments inspected by Serviço de Inspeção Federal, do Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (SIF/MAPA).The physico-chemical and microbiological parameters of bovine raw milk were screened in order to establish the quality with which the raw milk must reach the breeding establishment, according to Normative Instruction no. 62 (BRAZIL, 2011). The analyzed analyzes are: total dry extract; alizarol test; milk fat concentration; freezing point; density; acidity; somatic cell counting; temperature; Dornic test; non-greasy solids content; total bacterial count; and methylene blue test. Such analyzes are of great importance both to know the quality of the milk and to guarantee profits to the industry, aiming at the certainty of the product being delivered integrally and unchanged. It was verified, in literature review, that the average values of the analyzes meet the specifications of IN nº. 62 in most establishments, which indicates that Brazil can improve the quality of milk when so required. The lack of conformity of some samples in several establishments, however, evidences the need for a greater attention with the hygiene in the milking and storage and, also, with the health of the animals, and mainly failure in the fiscalization because this type of food is diffused in the bands and being able to disseminate microorganisms of relevance to collective health.PDFpt-BRopenAccessLeiteAnálisesInspeção sanitáriaSaúde coletivaPrincipais métodos de análises realizados com a finalidade de verificar a qualidade do leitebachelorThesisCA