2022-12-042022-12-042022https://repositorioacademico.universidadebrasil.edu.br/handle/123456789/506The intersectoriality of the services offered with the integral protection of individuals, and, as a form of management and articulation between the various sectors of social policies, the present work aims to present the intersectoriality of the municipal policy of the Unified Social Assistance System - SUAS of Porto National as a mechanism of fundamental importance in the viability of the Naturatins No. 5 regulation as a way of providing socio-environmental policies to protect the environment, with greater emphasis on the prevention and control of the use of fire. Bibliographic and documental analysis was used as a research methodology, anchored in the SUAS Municipal Plan and the normative nº 5 of Naturatins. Data were collected and subjected to analysis, centered on the concept of intersectoriality, socio-environmental policies and the urbanization process, based on a dialectical perspective. The results achieved allowed us to identify that the municipality of Porto Nacional - TO precarizes the intersectoriality of socio-environmental actions with those of social assistance, conditioning its population to the dominant standards of protection for the poor in Brazil, given that it has a greater housing contingency of people in a situation of extreme social vulnerability and not bring in its social assistance policy matrix subsidies and technical mechanisms that guarantee to those who need it social assistance support with a bias towards the empowerment of families, so it is concluded that the absence of normative instruction extended to the paradigm of that the vulnerable local population is not worthy of accessing education and environmental enhancement programs in their social assistance servicesPDFpt-BRopenAccessIntersetorialidadeProteção ambientalSUASO Sistema Único da Assistência Social de Porto Nacional e a normati- va Naturatins nº 5: propostas para a intersetorialidade de políticas socio- ambientaismasterThesisCB