2024-12-242024-12-242024https://repositorioacademico.universidadebrasil.edu.br/handle/123456789/863Introduction: sepsis is a systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) triggered by a suspected or confirmed infection, which can progress to severe sepsis when associated with organ dysfunction or septic shock. This condition is one of the main challenges for healthcare organizations, being one of the main causes of death in hospitalized patients. Objective: to evaluate the effects of modified ILIB therapy in patients with sepsis admitted to a hospital setting. Methodology: Thirty septic patients participated in the study and were randomly divided into two groups: control group (CG, n = 15), in which participants received the ILIB technique (modified) with the laser turned off, and treated group (GILIB, n = 15), which received the ILIB technique with the laser turned on, both for 30 minutes daily for five consecutive days. Conventional treatments were maintained in both groups. Clinical parameters, such as leukocytes, PaCO2, PaO2, lactate, creatinine, SpO2, pH and HCO3, were monitored daily. Results: modified ILIB therapy provided significant improvements in the clinical parameters of patients treated in the ILIB group, leukocytes (p<0.001), ph (p<0.001), PaO2 (p<0.05), PaCO2 presented an average within normal levels, HCO3 there were no significant differences, lactate on the 4th and 5th (p<0.05), SpO2 on the 2nd day (p<0.001), 3rd (p<0.0001), 4th (p<0.05), 5th (p<0.0001) and Creatinine on the 1st day of intervention (p<0.0001), 2nd (p<0.05), 3rd (p<0.05), 4th (p<0.05) and 5th (p<0.05). Conclusion: These improvements suggest that the modified ILIB may be a promising therapeutic option in the management of sepsis, contributing to patient recovery.PDFAcesso AbertoSIRSEfeitos da terapia ILIB modificada em pacientes com sepse internados no ambiente hospitalarDissertação de mestradoEngenharia Biomédica (Bioengenharia)