Produção de silagem de milho fertilizado com biossólido: composição bromatológica
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Universidade Brasil
The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of biosolids as a partial substitute
for mineral fertilizer in the culture of corn for silage production on the bromatological
composition. The experimental area has a 23-year history of biosolids use. In
1997/98 (implementation), the experiment was set up in randomized block design
with 4 treatments and 5 repetitions, totaling 20 plots. In the first year, the treatments
used in the installation of the experiment were: T1 = control (without application of
biosolid (BI) and without mineral fertilization); T2 = 2.5 t ha-1; T3 = 5 t ha-1, T4 = 10 t
ha-1 of BI (dry base). In the second year, the witness started to receive mineral
fertilization based on soil analysis and Bulletin 100 indications. From the fourth year
on, the dose 2.5 t ha-1 of BI was replaced by 20 t ha-1 with the purpose of increasing
the risks of pollution and phytotoxicity. Over the 23 years of experimentation, four
crops were used (corn, sunflower, guandu and crotalaria), and the biosolids applied
came from three Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) in the State of São Paulo
(Barueri, Monte Alto and Franca). In the 23rd year, the biosolid was obtained from
the ETE of Monte Alto/SP, operated by SABESP and corn (VT PRO 2 - silage
production) was used as test plant. The harvest point for ensiling was when the
majority of the plants presented dry matter of 35%. The forage was ensiled in
experimental mini silos and the silos were opened after 150 days of fermentation
process. The samples were evaluated for composition of crude protein, neutral
detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, lignin, cellulose, and hemicelluloses. No
significant difference was observed between the treatments evaluated on the
contents of protein, fiber fraction, lignin and mineral matter of the silages. It was
concluded that the use of biosolids as fertilizer in corn culture does not affect the
nutritional quality of the silages obtained and can partially replace chemical
FDA, FDN, Lignina, Lodo esgoto, Proteína, Lignin, Sewage sludge, Protein